日本人愛分類,喜歡為流行話題冠上名號,好比說「109辣妹」、「草食男 肉食女」,流行音樂也有「視覺系」、「澀谷系」、「下北澤系」等等。


這種「某某系」的風潮後來也傳到日本鄰近各國,本篇要簡單介紹韓國的「狎鷗亭系」。由於首爾狎鷗亭Galleria百貨店對面一帶的區域,許多摩登商家集中在此,是韓國流行時尚的重要據點,就跟東京的青山、表參道、澀谷到原宿一樣,於是風格氣質與這個區域相同的歌手,就被封為「狎鷗亭系」。而韓國「狎鷗亭系」中擁有教主地位美名,就是成立於2000年的Clazziquai Project。

專輯製作人兼團長金成勳,早年以DJ Clazzi身分在音樂界活動,本已頗有名氣,後來金成勳找來聲音獨具一格卻又鮮為人知的新人歌手一同合作,如HORAN、ALEX和特別客串演唱的CHRISTINA (ALEX的姐姐)。ALEX低沉加上CHRISTINA的甜美,順理成章成為男女雙主唱。由於這三人最愛的樂團是Jamiroquai,於是就把Clazzi + quai = Clazziquai,這個團體便稱為Clazziquai Project。

Clazziquai Project不走韓式POP、R&B路線,團長金成勳發揮了DJ的本能和創意,把電子、House、Groove、Chill Out、Lounge、Jazz等融合在一起,開創了新型態的多元化流行樂,因而獲得時尚人士的喜愛,在狎鷗亭和清潭洞的街上,經常可以聽到店家播放他們的歌曲。

有許多報導把Clazziquai Project的曲風做了誇大的描述,其實他們的音樂不難懂又輕鬆,不激情也不吵,很適合當工作時的背景音樂,或是三五好友小聚可以放鬆且稍微搖擺時播放。

本篇要介紹的是Clazziquai Project在2006年發行的EP『Love mode』,當年台灣Avex曾發行了一張非常超值的CD,將全新EP『Love mode』+ 第二張創作大碟『color your soul』,結合成雙CD的『愛上彩色人生亞洲特典盤(more color your soul & Love mode)』

Love Mode - Clazziquai Project feat. PE'Z & VERBAL (m-flo) MV

Clazziquai Project - Love Mode (Live)

後來在Robotica這張混音特輯中,也收錄了Love Mode的不同版本。

Love mode - Clazziquai feat. VERBAL (m-flo) (hwa remix) 小編個人特別推薦這個版本。

Love mode - Clazziquai feat. PE’Z & VERBAL (m-flo) (pzq mode) 高音質版

詞曲:Clazziquai Project

Everybody needs somebody to love
and everybody hopes their love to be true
We are all just loving in this guiding moonlight

Everybody needs somebody to kiss
and everybody wants their moment to be true
We are all just living in this time of our lives

This love was like being in a fantasy
It was the time only for you and I
But time has passed so does our love
So does our time it's true

If you listen, you are all that i've ever wanted now I
whisper, my words are not promising but
Let me, be setting down on you forever ever...

(Japanese Rap....)

This love was like being in a harmony
It was the time only for you and I
Thou time has passed my love is real
and my love is true
If you listen, you are all that I've ever wanted now I
whisper, my words are not promising but
Let me, be setting down on you forever ever...
If you listen, please don't ever stop this moment.
and whisper, my words are not promising but
Let me, say my belief will last forever ever...

Love, love, love, love. (x4)

If you listen, you are all that I've ever wanted now I
whisper, my words are not promising but
Let me, be setting down on you forever ever..
If you listen, please don't ever stop this moment.
and whisper, my words are not promising but
Let me, say my belief will last forever ever

(Japanese Rap....)

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